"It's a giant leap forward in design," executive Dave Das said at the company's press preview. "We thought through even the smallest details, removing any unnessary features, including those unsightly screws in the back."
Das added that the gigantic television is actually the first bevel-less, curved screen on the market.
"We're very proud of this natural synergy that the TV reflects between design and engineering," he said.
Personally, I never thought of the screws on the back of a TV as particularly "unsightly," especially because they're usually hidden against a wall.
However, I was very intrigued so my first move once the prepared remarks finished was to rush to see the back of the device.
(Business Insider / Jillian D'Onfro)
Take a closer look at those non-screws (that kind of look like screws, except that they're not metal, so according to Samsung's rules at least they don't count):e.
(Business Insider / Jillian D'Onfro)
And here's a side profile of the SUHD TV so you can see how slender it is:.
(Business Insider / Jillian D'Onfro)
I then approached a Samsung rep to see why they decided to get rid of the screws.
"With our 2016 models, we want to make sure that no matter where you're viewing the TV, no matter where you're placing it in your house, it's always going to look beautiful and gorgeous," she said.
So, screws are ugly?
"To some people, maybe!" she said.
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